Drs. Jeneile Luebke and Brian McInnes Awarded Grant to Develop an Indigenous-informed Equine-Related Research Protocol

Jeneile Luebke, PhD, RN and Brian McInnes (School of Human Ecology) were awarded a Reilly-Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment grant to support the project, Anishina be-Mishtadimoons Inawendiwin – Restoring and Awakening the Cultural and Ecological Context.

Dr. Jeneile Luebke Receives Award for Study on Indigenous Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

Jeneile Luebke, PhD, RN, received a subaward to support the community engaged study Healing from Within: Identifying and Understanding the Intersecting Barriers to Help-seeking after Experiences of Violence for Wisconsin American Indian Women through Survivor-led Research.