Dr. Jeneile Luebke Receives Award for Study on Indigenous Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

Jeneile Luebke, PhD, RN, received a subaward to support the community engaged study Healing from Within: Identifying and Understanding the Intersecting Barriers to Help-seeking after Experiences of Violence for Wisconsin American Indian Women through Survivor-led Research.

Drs. King and Steege Awarded Administrative Supplement for Grants in Health Services

Barb King, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, and Linsey Steege, PhD, were awarded an Administrative Supplement for Grants in Health Services to support the study Preventing Hospital-Acquired Disability: An Intervention to Improve Older Adult Patient Ambulation – Supplement.

Three Elected into the National Academies of Practice as Distinguished Nursing Fellows

Three faculty members at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing have been recognized for their ongoing contributions and professional achievements in health care with elections into the National Academies of Practice (NAP) as Distinguished Nursing Fellows.