2022-2023 Interprofessional Equity & Diversity Lunch & Learns

A group of people talks around a conference table

This year-long series will focus on wellbeing and belonging as it relates to academics, work life, community and more. What does it look like to put an equity lens on wellbeing and belonging? Learn best practices to ensure you are engaging in self and community care, balancing priorities, setting boundaries, living your values, and creating psychologically safe environments for yourself and others.

Spring 2023

The Wisconsin Idea: Why and How to Engage the Community in Teaching, Research, or Service

Monday, April 17, 12:00-1:00pm

Join us for a lunch and learn with the UW South Madison Partnership in person or virtually. This event is your opportunity to get out into the greater Madison community and understand the importance of involving the community in your teaching, research, and service to live out the Wisconsin Idea.

Register for In-Person Event

To participate online via Zoom:

Join Online Event



For in-person participants (2238 S. Park St.)

12:00 – 12:30 pm – Get lunch, tour, and brief video.
12:30 – 1:00 pm – Brenda and Tanika provide brief history of SMP and conversation with participants.

For online participants:

12:15 – 12:30 pm – Brief recorded video tour of the building; brief video by SMP.
12:30 – 1:00 pm – Brenda and Tanika provide brief history of SMP and conversation with participants.


Brenda Gonzalez, Director of Community Relations

As director of community relations, Brenda González serves as UW–Madison’s primary point of contact with local community and nonprofit organizations. She is responsible for developing strategies to ensure the university is engaged with these organizations and the broader community.

Tanika Apaloo, Assistant Director, UW South Madison Partnership

Tanika Apaloo serves as the Assistant Director for the UW-South Madison Partnership office while working closely with the Director of Community Relations. In this role, Mrs. Apaloo connects with people and organizations across the UW- Madison campus and the Madison community, with a focus on South Madison, while promoting stable and productive relationships between the university and community.