Our class experienced tremendous change during our nursing education—both on campus and throughout the world. We witnessed Vietnam War protests, the Watergate scandal dominated the news, and Title IX was passed, all while we prepared to begin our nursing careers. We were pioneers in 1972 when only 5% of nurses nationally had baccalaureate or higher degrees, and we received a world-class education. Our class continued to make significant contributions to practice, education, research, and service throughout our careers. Fifty years sure have flown by quickly!
Our class established two legacy gift opportunities to support future generations of Badger nurses. First, the Global Health Nursing Fund supports student expenses for interprofessional international and local health projects. This fund continues the historical emphasis of exposing students to diverse and underserved populations. Second, we reserved an entire row of seats in the School of Nursing’s auditorium. We have all named a seat in honor of someone who impacted our nursing journey—a parent, faculty member, or friend. If you are interested in helping support either of our class legacy opportunities, please contact Ali Lazar at alison.lazar@supportuw.org.
On, Wisconsin! On, Class of 1972!
The School of Nursing Class of 1972 Celebration Committee:

Dorinda Cartier
Veronica Engle
Karen Ransom Harris
Nancy Heins-Glaser,
Deborah Reitman Judge
Bonny Cox Kulick
Linda Kautza Procci
Kathy Capelle Schneider
Class of 1972 Reflections

Members of the Class of 1972 share their experiences and memories of their time at the School of Nursing and their careers post-graduation.
What was a significant memory or experience from your nursing education or time on campus?
My favorite experience was the public health summer semester that we spent in Minnesota and North Dakota studying under Bunny Owen. Our class treated and engaged with migrant workers and their families.
–Kathy Capelle Schneider ’72
My favorite memory was during Core Concepts when we were having our first clinical rotations. Jane Fay was our welcoming, capable, and helpful instructor. Our group really bonded from our experiences at University Hospital.
–Bonny Cox Kulick ’72
“I owe my nursing career to my BSN education at the UW–Madison School of Nursing and the many mentors I had throughout my career.”
— Dorinda Cartier ’72
What was your favorite role in your nursing/professional career?

I was hired three months after graduation working at UW Hospital with general medicine and cardiac medicine patients who were referred from outlying areas of Wisconsin. This was the start of treating hypertension and post-procedure care for patients who had a cardiac catheterization to determine the next steps for their heart health. Pacemakers were also relatively new! EVERYTHING I learned at the UW–Madison School of Nursing, both as a student and then as a staff nurse, prepared me to take on new challenges in the new jobs I worked in over the 48 out of 50 years that I worked.
–Dorinda Cartier ’72
Twenty-five of my 40-year nursing career were spent as an emergency department (ED) nurse. This specialty led me to graduate school and a position as a Clinical Nurse Specialist within the ED. From there I moved into an advanced practice community-based nurse case manager role that was life-changing.
–Sara Grant ’72
My most rewarding position was Professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) in Memphis TN for 27 years. I enjoyed the diverse challenging roles that changed over time without having to change jobs. I was an administrator, Chairperson of Medical-Surgical Nursing, which is really care of hospitalized older adults. As an educator, I helped develop and then taught in the first PhD in Nursing program in Tennessee. I was also an NIH-funded scientist studying health disparities, pain, and end-of-life care of Black and White older adults. And last of all, I was a clinician, practicing as a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner (GNP) in an inner-city Medicaid clinic and developing Tai Chi wellness programs for older adults. Scientist was my favorite role of the four. Relocating from Madison to Memphis TN and UTHSC, located in the mid-South, provided unique opportunities for research questions, faculty practice, and education. -Veronica Engle ’72

Heathcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) reviews were some of my best experiences as I had a direct impact on care levels in inner city populations. Home care was key but home care administration was sone of the most challenging of my entire career.
– Nancy Heins-Glaser ’72
My years at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles pulled everything together for me. While in my role as the vice president of operations, I was able to work in partnership with the physician chairs of the various departments. Together we could leverage and excel in the highest quality of care, pursue cutting edge research, educate and train the next generation of physicians, nurses, and other health care disciplines, and ensure like the “Wisconsin Idea” we spread the evidence across Los Angeles, the state and the nation.
–Linda Kautza Procci ’72
“I would not be the person I am today without the classroom, experiences,
and real-world learnings on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus in the early ’70s. I am beyond proud to be a Badger nurse, as it brought me to a very fulfilling career and so much more.”– Karen Ransom Harris ’72
I was the first advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP) hired by Naples Community Hospital to staff their Urgent Care track in the emergency room. I helped start a private oncology practice in Naples, Florida, in 1993 and it ultimately became Florida Cancer Specialists, the largest privately owned oncology practice in the country.
– Bonnie Bodin ’72
A Message for the Class of 2022 from the Class of 1972

Congratulations, Class of 2022! You’ve made it through the rigorous preparation for a nursing career that has been a central part of our lives for the past 50 years. You’ve accomplished this amid a global pandemic, demands for social justice, and a period of extreme political polarization.
Our years at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1969-1972, were also times of fear, political turmoil, and social unrest and violence in the streets. We remember bearing witness to the Civil Rights Movement, assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy, and experiencing the National Guard and police in riot gear on campus. We also can’t forget the bombing of Sterling Hall.

These issues added significant stress during our nursing education as current events have added to yours. However, navigating these issues also provided opportunities for growth and personal development. Nursing’s holistic philosophy of body, mind, and spirit demands personal exploration of these domains. The societal issues we’ve navigated during our respective nursing educational experiences provided a unique context for this self-reflection.
We, the Class of 1972, are confident that you will carry this personal exploration
and philosophy forward into your nursing careers. You will be better human beings
and compassionate nurses for having
endured these tumultuous times and embraced these existential issues during your nursing education.
We have compiled a list of short words of wisdom we’ve gained over 50 years:

- Nurses are change agents.
- Stand by your actions when you are confident in your knowledge base and experience.
- Never be afraid to ask for assistance when you need it.
- Listen to those around you who have sound insight and perspective. They can help you modify your approach to create a better result or outcome.
- Develop collegial relationships with all levels of care providers—from nursing assistants to physicians. Everyone has a part to play in providing comprehensive care to patients and, generally, the RN is the glue that holds it all together!
- Encourage active participation in decision making by providing the education that patients need to weigh the pros and cons of treatment options. Things are rarely black or white and there is seldom only one option to achieve a goal.
- When physicians have exhausted treatments to offer a patient, nurses are still able to give individualized care and emotional support.
- Two words to eliminate from your vocabulary when working: NEVER and ALWAYS.
- Be flexible, change is a constant.
- Be a lifelong learner. The science of medicine/nursing/pharmaceuticals is constantly growing. You can’t know everything, but you can always go back to the literature.
- Participate in professional organizations. The networking and support opportunities that they provide are invaluable.
- Mentor the next generation of nurses; you have wisdom to share.

You have the tools and abilities to accomplish your dreams. Go forth and sort the wheat from the chaff. We wish you all the best as you join alumnihood and hope that you can look back 50 years from now and be as proud of your alma mater and the preparation you received as we are.
—Members of the UW–Madison School of Nursing Class of 1972: Dorinda Cartier, Veronica “Roni” Engle, Karen Ransom Harris, Nancy Heins-Glaser, Deborah Reitman Judge, Bonny Cox Kulick, Linda Kautza Procci, Kathy Capelle Schneider