Joshua Ernst ’14, DNP’24, is impacting nursing through innovative leadership.
Clinical & Teaching
School of Nursing’s DNP Program Highlighted in Wisconsin State Journal
Some of the reasons the School of Nursing’s DNP program stands out.
Nursing Without Constraints
Kelly Ayala DNP’18, uses her passion for innovation to improve the health care landscape for both patients and providers.
Jennifer Timm named director of Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
Jennifer R. Timm has become the next director of the UW–Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. The center serves as a hub for training and research related to how interdisciplinary teams of health care professionals can provide coordinated, optimal care to patients and communities.
Dr. Sarah Endicott Featured in Green Bay Press-Gazette
Older Wisconsinites have the highest suicide rate of any age group. Why don’t we talk about it?
Dr. Katie Pavek Awarded Grant to Study Human Flourishing
Katie Pavek, PhD, MSN, RN, was awarded the inaugural Barbara Gruendemann Faculty Fellowship grant to support the project U-Flourish: The Art & Science of Human Flourishing.
Dr. Katie Pavek featured in article about life for Wisconsin nurses post-COVID
Katie Pavek ’08, PhD’21, MSN, RN, University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing clinical assistant professor and Wellness Officer, was recently featured in a USA Today Network article about what life is like for Wisconsin nurses post-COVID.
The School of Nursing Welcomes New Faculty Members for the 2023-24 Academic Year
The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing welcomed two new clinical faculty members and saw the transition of four familiar faces into new roles for the 2022-23 academic year.
Q&A with Leah Roscoe ’06
Leah Roscoe ’06 currently works as a clinical instructor at the UW–Madison School of Nursing. She talks about her nursing journey, the most rewarding part of her job, and advice for current and future students.
Dr. Traci Snedden featured on Wisconsin Public Radio
Traci Snedden, PhD, RN, CPNP, CNE, FNAP, clinical associate professor for the School of Nursing, joined Wisconsin Public Radio Morning Show’s Kate Archer Kent and NCCS Director Kristen Kucera to discuss how to protect young athletes when they play contact sports, as well as the latest research on head injuries.