Inspired by her aunt’s career as a Badger nurse, Sonam Dorjee describes how she discovered nursing and shares her dream of advocating for accessible health care and veterinary care in her mother’s hometown of Dharamsala, India.
student life
Student Spotlight: Rachelle Navarro x’25
Rachelle Navarro shares how she fell in love with nursing and went from being afraid to take a patient’s blood pressure to confidently planning her future career in the ER.
Student Spotlight: Julie Jones x’24
A conversation with Julie Jones x’24, traditional bachelor of science in nursing student and student ambassador.
Student Spotlight: Annaly Garcia x’23
Annaly Garcia TBSN x’23 Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin What has been your favorite class or unit in the nursing program? Despite Pharmacology being one of the most challenging classes, it was also one of my favorites. …
Student Spotlight: Madisin Randolph x’24
Madisin Randolph x’24 Traditional BSN Student Hometown: Chicago, Illinois What has been your favorite class or unit in the nursing program? My favorite class from the fall semester has been Pharmacology. Despite the class being …
Student Spotlight: Karl Hummel x’23
Meet Karl Hummel from Madison, Wisconsin. He is a second-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) student and School of Nursing student ambassador.
Student Spotlight: Maica Ho x’22
Meet Maica Ho x’22, a second-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) student and School of Nursing student ambassador.
Q & A | BSN Senior Hanna Braaten
For Hanna Nichole Braaten, a senior in the School of Nursing’s bachelor of science in nursing program, mental health self-care comes in the form of creating art. The aspiring pediatric nurse practitioner uses various art forms for self-expression, stress management, and education. Her latest project, The Intricacies of Nursing, tells the story of her nursing school journey through stitch art.
Hundreds Attend Inaugural LGBTQ+ Health Summit
The School of Nursing’s first annual LGBTQ+ Health Summit aimed to educate current and future providers to provide better care for LGBTQ+ patient populations as well as to inform community members about this population’s unique healthcare needs.
First Students Graduate from Native American Recruitment and Retention Program
Just two years after launching a new project designed to increase the number of Native American nurses in the workforce, the School of Nursing has graduated two students, Brianna Boston-Kemple and Alexandra DeSautel, from the Success Through Recruitment/Retention, Engagement, and Mentorship (STREAM) program.