About the Partnership
The Academic-Practice Partnership between UW Health and the UW−Madison School of Nursing advances excellence in nursing and interprofessional care in Wisconsin and beyond.
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Our Purpose
Our dynamic partnership shapes emerging knowledge and nurtures collaborative efforts to elevate preparation of a diverse professional nursing workforce. We share a deep commitment to improve health care delivery, as well as a relentless belief in innovation for the common good. The institutions’ nurses, leaders, faculty, and students foster relationships that expand and deepen the partnership, enhancing our ability to act effectively as opportunities arise and realize practical progress.
Ongoing success of this partnership involves joint appointments for experts across both institutions; executive support for research, evidence-based practice, and other projects of mutual benefit; routine forums to discuss issues and exchange ideas; and shared problem-solving.
History of the Partnership
Since its opening in 1924, the University of Wisconsin−Madison School of Nursing has shared a successful and mutually beneficial partnership with UW Health, an integrated health system of the University of Wisconsin−Madison including seven hospitals and more than 80 outpatient sites. Our collaboration spans the education of baccalaureate and graduate student nurses, professional development of new graduates employed at UW Health, advancement of evidence-based practice, and the conduct of clinical research.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee, led by executive nursing leadership from both UW Health and the School of Nursing, exists to facilitate accomplishing the goals of the formalized Academic Practice Partnership. The committee, comprised of representatives from both institutions, meets quarterly to review progress toward meeting goals, discuss and address barriers, recognize and promote successes, and monitor indicators of success.
Committee Members
APP Executive Sponsors
- Linda Scott
- Rudy Jackson
APP Steering Committee
- Laura Ahola
- Élise Arsenault-Knudsen
- Barb Bowers
- Sarah Brzozowski
- Anne Ersig
- Sue Gaard
- Michele Glynn, Co-Chair
- Janet Hastreiter
- Rhonda Hoyer
- Pam McGranahan
- Kristen Panther
- Barbara Pinekenstein
- Rebecca Rankin
- Susan Zahner, Co-Chair
- Meredith Temple, Committee Support
Strategic Goals
- Increase the number of collaborative scholarly projects between UW Health nurses, School of Nursing faculty, and students (graduate and undergraduate).
- Increase collaboration on research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement projects.
- Explore and set parameters for shared appointments for UW Health staff and School of Nursing faculty
- Explore the concept of implementing one or more designated units or locations that would provide opportunities for students to learn interprofessional practice, transitional care, and leadership from staff experts
- Enhance communication between School of Nursing and UW Health to strengthen the partnership and tell the story of its impact to external constituents and the community.
American Family Children’s Hospital & UW−Madison School of Nursing Academic Practice Partnership
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History of the Partnership
The partnership between the American Family Children’s Hospital (AFCH) and the School of Nursing (SoN) pediatric faculty serves as an exemplar of the larger partnership with UW Health. Nationally, there are increasing numbers of children with chronic health conditions and complex special health care needs. These children require comprehensive interprofessional services across settings. National and regional data also show a growing prevalence of children, particularly among underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, who live in poverty and experience health disparities. There is a gap in the preparedness of a pediatric nursing workforce with regard to education, practice, research, and policy to optimize the health and development of these children and well-being of their families. The nursing leadership of AFCH and the SoN recognize this gap, which is the focus of the AFCH/SoN Academic Practice Partnership.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to enhance the health and well-being of children and their families through an Academic Practice Partnership. Our vision is that all children will have access to and receive evidence-based, family-centered care by a professional pediatric nursing work force. Our mission and vision are actualized through our collaborative work in the domains of education, practice, research, and health policy.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee, led by research faculty of the School of Nursing, exists to facilitate accomplishing the goals of the Academic Practice Partnership. The committee, comprised of representatives from both institutions, meets regularly to discuss collaborative opportunities, review goal progress, share successes, and plan activities and initiatives to advance child and family nursing.
Committee Members
- Laura Ahola
- Leanne Marso
- Lori Williams
School of Nursing
- Lori Anderson
- Anne Ersig
- Sue Gaard
- Kitty Montgomery
- Karen Pridham
- Tracy Saladar
- Traci Snedden
Pediatric Practice and Academic Learning (PPAL) Network
The Pediatric Practice and Academic Learning (PPAL) Network is a community of nurses and nursing students who care about the future of the pediatric nursing work force and access to evidence-based, family centered care for all children. PPAL is led by an Academic Practice Partnership between the UW−Madison School of Nursing and American Family Children’s Hospital.
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What does PPAL do?
We connect and engage with nurses in Wisconsin and beyond who are passionate about child and family nursing.
We share information on opportunities for education, service learning, and leadership development, and findings from research studies and evidence-based practice projects.
We collaborate on research and projects on a range of topics, including:
- Respite care for families of children with chronic health conditions
- Use of and education on telehealth for children and families
- Exploring the symptom experiences of children with cancer
- Exploring nurses’ roles and experiences in providing pre- and post-surgical care to children and families
- Working with children who have congenital heart conditions and their families
- And many others!
How do I join PPAL?
We share news, events, opportunities and resources through a moderated Google Group called the PPAL Network. All activities are virtual until it is safe for us to convene in person. If you are interested in joining us or would like to learn more, please send a message to Anne Ersig at anne.ersig@wisc.edu or Sue Gaard at sgaard@wisc.edu. Membership is free.
To learn more or to join, please send a message to Anne Ersig at anne.ersig@wisc.edu or Sue Gaard at sgaard@wisc.edu. Membership is free.