Creating a Legacy at the School of Nursing
The Bowers Fellow is the newest giving level within the Bunge Society, which recognizes generous supporters of the School of Nursing. Those who include the School of Nursing in their estate plans and complete the necessary documentation with the UW Foundation will be inducted into the Bunge Society as a Bowers Fellow.
Through their planned gift, donors may choose to support an existing fund or establish a new fund upon the realization of their estate gift. Including the UW–Madison School of Nursing in your estate plan, via the University of Wisconsin Foundation, allows you to build a meaningful and lasting legacy. At the same time, it offers you the flexibility to choose the giving option best suited to your personal and financial circumstances.
Learn More and Join Our Fellows
Thank you for considering the UW School of Nursing in your legacy plans.
If the School of Nursing is already in your will, or you would like to learn more about creating a bequest and joining our Fellows, please connect with us.
More About the Bowers Fellow
The Bowers Fellow was established in honor of Professor Dr. Barbara J. Bowers, in recognition of the legacy she has created as a nurse educator, researcher, and philanthropist. The Bowers Fellow honors and thanks those who join Dr. Bowers in creating their own nursing legacy by including the School of Nursing in their estate plans.
Legacy gifts include bequests from a will or trust as well as other planned gift vehicles. Your legacy gift can be designated to support what you are most passionate about—including scholarships, research, faculty support, and more.
With your help, the School will remain a leader in nursing service, education, and research, expanding our capacity to support students, faculty, and research in order to respond to Wisconsin’s changing health care needs.

“I think you just can’t, unless you’ve seen it, you can’t appreciate the incredible impact of even a small gift — you know, a gift that allows an undergraduate student to go to their first conference and show a poster and have people come by and be really interested in what they’ve done. I mean, this is what inspires people to go on in their education, to feel really good about the profession that they’ve chosen…those gifts are just crucial. So big or small, I would encourage people to donate and enjoy.”
Dr. Barbara J. Bowers
Create Your Legacy
Steps to Take
Take these three important steps to ensure that your gift will be received and used for the purpose you intend. Every situation is unique, so please consider this a general guide to documenting your legacy gift.
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Designate your gift
Determine where at the School of Nursing to designate your gift.
- Make an unrestricted gift, providing the School flexibility to use the gift in the area of greatest need when the gift arrives.
- Choose an existing fund or program to support that you care about.
- Contact us to discuss additional options for where to designate your gift.
Work with your advisor
Work with your estate attorney or financial advisor to update your will/trust documents or retirement plan/life insurance documents.
When including the School of Nursing in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal Name: University of Wisconsin Foundation
Location: 1848 University Avenue, Madison WI 53726
Federal Tax ID Number: 39-0743975
Example will/trust language:
I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, a non-profit, non-stock Wisconsin Corporation with principal offices in Madison, Wisconsin __________ percent ( %) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate (or alternately, the sum of $_____). It is my wish that this gift will benefit the School of Nursing. The details of this designation may be noted in separate documentation on file at the UW Foundation, and I request that the UW Foundation utilize my gift in accordance with the terms of that agreement. It is understood and agreed that should the purpose for which this bequest is instituted cease to exist, then the UW Foundation may devote said bequest for such other uses and purposes as it determines to be in accordance with my original intent.
Other Ways to Give
While gifts by will are the most common type of bequest, you can find out about other planned gift vehicles by contacting the School of Nursing’s development team, Scott Fletcher and Alison Lazar.
Share your plans
Complete the Statement of Deferred Gift Provision form to let us know of your gift intentions and to ensure peace of mind that your gift will have the desired impact.
Alternatively, you can share the section of your will or trust that names the University of Wisconsin Foundation and the School of Nursing in your plans.
Common Fund Designations
These are some of the most commonly selected existing funds that donors choose to support with their legacy gift. Please contact us if you have other interests or would like to discuss the creation of your own named fund.
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Greatest Needs
Annual Fund
This discretionary fund is the UW School of Nursing Dean’s Fund for Excellence. The Dean of the School of Nursing has the authority to spend money from this fund.
Student Support
Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the fund shall be to provide immediate scholarship support to undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Nursing.
School of Nursing Student Emergency Support Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to support School of Nursing students during emergency situations, including times of financial hardship.
Nursing Student Success and Support Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to advance the academic success and professional development of School of Nursing students.
School of Nursing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund
The purpose of this fund is to support the School of Nursing’s greatest needs in the area of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and may be used for any purpose which advances the School’s efforts to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture as defined by the Dean.
School of Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund
The fund is a permanently endowed scholarship fund at the School of Nursing. Gifts to this endowment provides annual income earnings generated by investment of the principal.
Doctoral Student Support Fund for Nursing
The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support for doctoral candidates attending the University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Nursing. Such support may be used for tuition, assistantships, travel, research, etc. at the discretion of the Dean.
Signe Skott Cooper Hall Fund
The Signe Skott Cooper Hall Fund is to support the building, infrastructure, and grounds.
Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Nursing Fund
The purpose of the Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Nursing Fund is to support the activities of the Center for Technology-Enhanced Nursing “CTEN” which explores innovative uses of existing technologies, evaluates the potential of emerging technologies to enhance the education experience of School of Nursing students, so as to better prepare them for the ever changing and challenging world of modern healthcare.
Faculty Support
Littlefield Leadership Lecture Series Fund
The fund supports an annual lecture at the School of Nursing that highlights a nurse leader and promotes mentoring of nursing students and nurses in the beginning stages of their careers. Nurse scholars who have shaped clinical, academic, and/or public policy dimensions of nursing and health care will be invited to visit campus, present a formal lecture, and provide informal consultation to students, faculty, and staff.
Research and Innovation
School of Nursing Research Support Fund
The purpose of this fund is to support the research programs of nursing faculty. Support may include, but should not be limited to expenses directly related to the faculty members research, student research project support, tuition, travel, etc.
Center for Aging Research and Education
The purpose of this expendable fund is to advance the Center for Aging Research and Education’s “CARE” mission to develop and disseminate best practices for the care of older adults across multiple settings.
Katharyn A. May Nursing Innovation Fund
The purpose of this fund is to secure business expertise to develop plans and models to derive sustainable funding streams for School of Nursing products and services. Provide bridge funding until successful grant-funded projects like eSchool Care can become self-sufficient. Provide start-up funding for pilot projects; including marketing materials and feasibility studies. Spur entrepreneurial creativity among faculty and students so that innovative nursing ideas and concepts can be dispersed into the community in an economically viable manner.