Alice Hu x’26
Position title: Student Ambassador
Alice Hu chose the UW–Madison School of Nursing for its strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a welcoming community that celebrates individuality and continuous learning.
One of her favorite experiences during the pre-nursing track was participating in the “Nursing: Diversity and Women’s Studies” first-year interest group, which allowed her to build meaningful connections and receive valuable support from her peers.
After graduation, Hu hopes to work in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or pediatric inpatient setting, driven by her passion for caring for children. She is also considering furthering her education to become a nurse practitioner, with the goal of making a profound impact on her future patients.
Hu encourages prospective nursing students to explore the diverse career paths available with a nursing degree: “While many people associate the nursing profession exclusively with bedside care, it is a much more diverse field. Considering the various patient demographics, health care environments, and job responsibilities available, there’s a high chance you can find something that fits your needs and personality. From bedside care to management roles, and urban to rural settings, the options are vast, and you may discover a path you truly love!”