February 28, 2018 – The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing has joined 96 other organizations in signing a letter by the American Academy of Nursing calling for Congress to create a bipartisan National Commission on Mass Shootings, in the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
The letter, delivered to Congressional leadership yesterday, urges Congress to launch this Commission within 30 days.
“We stand with our colleagues of the Academy in advocating for shared leadership in identifying strategies to address gun violence in our communities,” said Linda D. Scott, University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing dean. “Students deserve to feel safe in their learning environments.”
The American Academy of Nursing recommends that the National Commission on Mass Shootings be charged with identifying strategies for seven challenges related to gun violence, including supporting healthcare professionals in effectively addressing the issue, researching the causes and solutions to firearm violence, and creating and strengthening gun laws.
“We all have a role to play in creating safer communities and it is important that the role of the health care professional be recognized, unencumbered, and supported,” said Scott.
For more information, please contact Melanie Schmidt at (608) 695-7320 or melanie.schmidt@wisc.edu.