BSN Prerequisites

Students are required to complete a course (or its equivalent) in each of the seven prerequisites listed below. Requirements can be completed via coursework, test credit, transfer work, or placement exam (if applicable).

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Human Anatomy

Human Physiology



Human Growth and Development

*Anatomy and Physiology may be satisfied by one semester of Anatomy and one semester of Physiology or by A&P I and II. A combination of any A&P I/II & individual Anatomy/Physiology course is not acceptable.

**Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores of 4 or 5 can be used to satisfy the chemistry and psychology prerequisites but will not count towards the GPA eligibility.

  • Current UW–Madison students with questions about prerequisites and course equivalencies should contact an advisor. Equivalency information for transfers and second-degree applicants is available on the BSN Prerequisite Course Equivalencies
  • Applicants who complete prerequisites at another institution should be prepared to submit course descriptions and/or syllabi so that we can determine equivalencies.

BSN Prerequisite GPA calculations

  • The average of all seven prerequisite courses must equal at least 2.75.
  • When more than one course has been completed that will satisfy a single prerequisite (e.g., both Chem 103 AND 104), the course outcome that is more advantageous to the applicant will be used in the calculation.
  • In determining eligibility at the time of application, the prerequisite GPA will be calculated based on only the prerequisites completed at the application submission date.

BSN Cumulative GPA calculations

  • We calculate this GPA using all undergraduate college-level course work completed at all colleges/universities.
  • All course attempts are factored into this equation, including repeated coursework.
  • Coursework that is remedial, vocational, or doctrinal in nature may not transfer into UW-Madison and therefore will not be factored into the equation.
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) coursework will not be factored into the equation.

General Education Requirements

    • Communications Part A: Literacy Proficiency
    • Communications Part B: Enhancing Literacy Proficiency*
    • Quantitative Reasoning Part A: QR Proficiency
    • Quantitative Reasoning Part B: Enhanced QR Proficiency
    • Ethnic Studies
  • General education requirements cannot be met with portions of courses.

* Communications Part B is not required for Accelerated BSN applicants.

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Undergraduate Admissions


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Suite 1100 Signe Skott Cooper Hall